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Looking To Lower Your Nicotine Strength?
Vaping is an incredible alternative to traditional smoking for countless reasons. One main reason smokers choose vaping as their main source of nicotine relief, is the ability to lower nicotine strength over time, which is a very unique quality to vaping. Here are some tips to lowering your nicotine content! Mixing Different Strengths If you have been vaping for a long time, you probably know this one well. There's a running joke in the vape community about "Vape Math". Vape Math is a silly, yet affective form of mixing that creates lower nicotine strength by volume. An example of this...
How To Quit Smoking Using Vaping
Quitting smoking is a difficult feat for anyone. The addictive chemicals inside of a cigarette are designed to keep you smoking for as long as possible. River Reserve was founded to help promote vaping as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, and with some help and perseverance, anyone can make the switch. Here's our first tip: Find your flavor! It can be difficult to quit without knowing what you will like. When beginning your journey to a smoke-less lifestyle, the best place to start is at your local vape shop. Here, you will be able to explore different flavor profiles, browse your options, and get important...